Continuous Feedback

When employees have ongoing and structured conversations with their managers and peers, they feel heard and valued. Bridge LMS gives your managers employee development tools to have more frequent and honest communication with their direct reports and peers. Shared 1on1s, public peer recognition, start/stop/continue and skills feedback are all key to keeping people engaged.

Used by thousands of companies, including:

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Drive Connection, Alignment and Growth Through Continuous Development Conversations

Productive 1on1s

1on1s are critical to building alignment between managers and their reports. Bridge can help drive more productive meetings through a shared agenda and templated framework. Accomplishments can be recorded making performance review time easier. Plus, track how often meetings are happening.

Goal Setting

Bridge’s goal-setting feature is a fantastic repository for keeping track of targets and making sure any action items from 1on1s are completed. Easily measure success through progress metrics, track completed subtasks, and regularly celebrate wins.

Career Drivers

Bridge Career Drivers is a perfect way to create meaningful conversations between managers and teams. This fun and interactive tool is ideal during onboarding. New hires can explain what motivates them, and managers reference the results to regularly check in on whether their needs are being met.

Group Agendas

Shared agendas create a feedback loop that holds both managers and employees accountable to each other. Ideal for more inclusive team meetings, shared and collaborative agendas give everyone a voice—not just those who talk the loudest. 

Public Org Chart

Teams can get to know each other through an interactive company directory and org chart. Bridge invites people to build a profile that showcases their skills and interests. It's a great way to give full visibility into the structure of the company, and can serve as a skills directory for mentorship opportunities.

Engagement Polls

Leverage engagement surveys to gather anonymous feedback on employees’ perceptions, views, and experiences. Bridge surveys are confidential, and allow you to listen to, analyze, and act on feedback across the entire organization.

Continuous Feedback: FAQs

Yes. Bridge recommends performance conversation questions for both managers and employees. There are also example answers, ensuring managers and employees understand the purpose behind the question.

Yes! Bridge’s integrations streamline single sign-on (SSO) and authentication, and frictionlessly connect to tools associated with ecommerce, video asset management, and content providers and partners, as well as HRIS integrations. Bridge also offers open APIs.

Bridge supports over 30 languages on both our primary platform and across our video and content authoring tools. We believe in making learning available for everyone, and are constantly working to make our tools inclusive and accessible.

The Bridge mobile app enables on-the-go learning, and even allows for offline learning. This is ideal for employees that don’t regularly work in front of a computer.

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Using Bridge, we’ve set up our HR new hire survey as an [onboarding] checkpoint delivered 75 days after their hire date. The completion rate of that survey has gone from 13% to 46% almost overnight.

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