Performance Reviews Software

Performance reviews can be a scary prospect. For many employees, the benefits of a good review are outweighed by a stressful, time-consuming, and sometimes biased process. With Bridge Performance Management, make performance reviews at your organization more personalized, purpose-led and aligned to strategic goals.

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Deliver Performance Reviews That Improve Employee Satisfaction and Growth

Amazing Analytics

Get automated reports with performance KPIs and digestible visuals. Team and individual goals, skills feedback, checkpoints, and 1on1s are all managed within Bridge, so come performance review time there are never any surprises.

Integrated LMS

Bridge offers a Learning Management System that is fully integrated with Performance tools. If a performance review finds an individual is lacking in a specific skill, courses can be easily assigned to help them grow.

Customize Templates

Performance reviews can be resource intensive, especially for smaller teams. Fully customizable performance review templates are built to focus on achievements, celebrate wins, and highlight areas for growth and skill development.

Multiple Review Options

Implement self reviews and manager reviews, and supplement with skills and start/stop/continue feedback to make sure there's clarity on goals, progress, and areas for improvement.

Time-Saving Automation

Set start and end dates for each part of the performance cycle, from the employee review and manager review stages through to calibration and performance conversations. Automated reminders keep everyone on track.

Continuous Feedback

Give your managers a tool to have more frequent and productive performance conversations. Plus managers and their direct reports can get skills competency input and start/stop/continue feedback.

Performance Review Platform: FAQs

There’s no limit to the frequency of your performance reviews. We recommend conducting performance reviews at least twice a year. To get the most out of your performance reviews, be sure to engage in 1on1s and feedback on a regular basis throughout the year.

Yes! Bridge’s integrations streamline single sign-on (SSO) and authentication, and frictionlessly connect to tools associated with ecommerce, video asset management, content providers and partners, as well as HRIS integrations. Bridge also offers open APIs.

Bridge’s analytics features offer an array of ways to keep track of your new hires and make sure they’re getting to grips with your organization. With highly customizable reporting that allows you to filter by user groups, due dates, and course progression, you’ll gain instant insights into any new hires who may be struggling to keep up with the process.

Similarly, Bridge Analytics provides access to a number of performance-related metrics, helping you to measure vital parts of the onboarding process like the frequency of manager-employee 1on1s. If a new hire is behind on their training, it’s easy to make sure they’re getting the peer and manager support they need to keep the onboarding process moving smoothly.

You can also get a sense of how new employees are progressing by asking them! Thanks to Bridge’s handy employee engagement surveys, you’ll get a firm handle on how new hires are reacting to your onboarding process—and you’ll make newcomers feel heard too. 

By recording and analyzing employee feedback, you can measure their engagement with onboarding and continuously fine-tune the way you welcome newcomers into your organization.

Absolutely! The typical components of a Bridge performance review are self reviews, manager reviews, and performance conversations.

Administrators have the ability to turn ratings on or off. They can also control whether or not the numerical ratings are displayed in the agenda or not.

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Our annual performance review process has historically been completed once a year. We wanted to shift it to better suit the needs of our people who want feedback all year round, where our people have on-going conversations with their managers about their development. I’m excited that Bridge supports our efforts to connect training courses with development conversations between people and their managers.

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