How to Use This Guide
This guide is meant to help anyone who’s creating content for Bridge (whether it’s text, design, photography, video, or some combination of these), to ensure their work aligns with the Bridge brand. You’ll find everything from how and when to use gradients to how and when to use Oxford commas. You’ll also get (re)acquainted with Bridge on a macro level.
We’ve broken out the sections in the table of contents, so you can easily find the information you’re after. You can also use the ol’ Ctrl+F to search for specific words or phrases. (Speaking of specific words and phrases—if you’re looking for a glossary, we’ve included a link to it in the Voice & Tone section).
Table of Contents
Slide Deck
The slide deck helps us stay on brand. When you open the deck, go to “File” – “Make a copy” – “Entire presentation”

Usage Rules
Whenever possible, place the logo on a light background. It’s a friendly logo, but it has a personal bubble, so always give it plenty of breathing room.

Logo Colors
If the logo is placed on a dark background and the contrast is sufficient, the dots keep their color and the word Bridge is reversed to white.

To your right you’ll see the minimum logo-cushioning requirements and permitted permutations.

Primary Colors
The Bridge brand has four primary (as in “main,” “dominant,” or “leading”) colors, chosen for aesthetic and accessibility purposes.

Hex: #FB5330
RGB: 251, 83, 45
PMS: 1655 C

Hex: #0C354A
RGB: 12, 53, 74
PMS: 7463 C

Hex: #30E9CA
RGB: 48, 233, 202
PMS: 333 C

Hex: #F6CE61
RGB: 246, 206, 97
PMS: 134 C
Secondary Colors
The secondary colors are for supplementary use—you know, outlines, buttons, divisions, color accents. The little things. Our handy “Palette Usage” pie chart will help you determine usage frequency.

Hex: #007C79
RGB: 0, 124, 121
PMS: 7718 C

Hex: #39ABCB
RGB: 57, 171, 203
PMS: 631 C

Hex: #287A9E
RGB: 40, 122, 158
PMS: 2149 C

Hex: #444444
RGB: 68, 68, 68
PMS: 446 C

RGB: 175, 175, 175
PMS: 421 C

Hex: #EFF1F2
RGB: 240, 242, 243
PMS: 427 C
Soft Colors
These colors can be used to break up whitespace and a bit of background color.

Hex: #FFF9F1
RGB: 255, 249, 241

Hex: #F0FAFC
RGB: 240, 250, 252

RGB: 235, 254, 253
PMS: 2149 C

Palette Usage
Use this color pie chart to understand the Bridge color hierarchy.
Accessibility means that websites, collateral, and other brand assets are developed so that people with disabilities can use them.
Proper color contrast helps those with poor eyesight to be able to read and comprehend our content.
For web, we follow the WCAG AA standards to allow proper contrast for legibility.
Please use the examples to the right to help make the right color accessibility choices.


Brush Strokes
These brand elements help illustrate the Bridge brand. The brush stroke symbols connect, align, and grow can be any color within the Bridge color pallet and used when those concepts need visual emphasis.

People Matter Most
These branded people help illustrate the Bridge brand and diversity. We are showcasing all the industries and diversity of people Bridge can help.

The patterns are usually used in the Bridge collage style art, but can also be used throughout standard branding as well.



Bridge icons are a kind of micro-/sub-language. These little symbols help illustrate important concepts and actions across the site and other branding materials. Please pick a color and stick with it on a page. We don’t want a rainbow effect created by too many colors of icons.

Both Work Sans and Zilla Slab are Google fonts. They are free to download and can be easily used in Google Docs and Google Slides.
Work Sans is our primary typeface. It’s clean and modern, just like Bridge. It is a diverse typeface with many weights. Heavier weights should be used for headlines. Regular or light should be used for body text. Typically, on a white background, use light for body copy. On a solid background, use regular.
People matter most.
People matter most.
People matter most.
People matter most.
People matter most.
People matter most.
Zilla slab is our secondary typeface that helps the Bridge brand have variety and visual interest. It is reserved for using quotes from customers and clients and the occasional header. Please use Zilla Slab sparingly.
People matter most.
People matter most.
People matter most.
People matter most.
People matter most.
The Bridge “voice” is the overall personality of Bridge
Convey expertise in technology and employee development. Use logic, data, research, and correct grammar. Be that friend who’s well-read but not a know-it-all.
Communicate excitement and vision about the future of learning and growth in the workplace. Approach challenges with optimism.
Anticipate questions and problems, and preemptively or quickly address them. Speak the language, but define obscure terms. Guide people toward additional resources so they can make educated decisions.
Have a fresh take on things, and embrace humor, creativity, and fun where it fits. Don’t mimic played-out messaging. Be conversational and personable—use contractions where you would in speech. Parentheticals and afterthoughts can humanize copy.
Favor simple, straightforward language over industry jargon. Make dense information and challenging topics easy to understand, and make strong connections between problems and solutions. Don’t sugarcoat things or make specious claims.
Don’t use buzzwords or industry jargon where a clearer, more accessible word or phrase works just fine. Too much business-speak sounds salesy, curbs emotional connection, gets lost in the competitive shuffle, and is often interpreted as compensation for a lack of real knowledge. Corporate jargon prevents us from leveraging our communication channels getting to the point and up-leveling knowledge transfer sharing information with others. Demonstrate that we value openness by not hiding behind fluffy language.
Don’t rely on the word of the day. “Empower,” “enable,” and “innovate” have become so overused that they now have very little meaning or impact. Use some brainpower and see if you can find a fresh
way to communicate the same idea..
You can make exceptions for SEO value, but they should be the exception, not the rule.
- Yes, some industry jargon is unavoidable, and even good. “Native cloud” and “org chart” are so ubiquitous that trying to rephrase them would smack of effort and/or sound out of touch. It’s important that we know the difference.
- Don’t rely on the word of the day. “Empower,” “enable,” and “innovate” have become so overused that they now have very little meaning or impact. Use some brainpower and see if you can find a fresh way to communicate the same idea.
If “voice” is the overall personality of Bridge, then “tone” is the mood. Our voice might take on different tones depending on the situation. Here’s a guide to tones we use (and by extension, tones we don’t):
Facts and data make us credible and show we’ve done our homework. But don’t become an unstoppable stat-spewing machine—that’s boring.
Present research findings and empirical data as useful takeaways. Help others to see things in a new (and applicable) light.
Encourage people to grow and develop. Be energetic and enthusiastic, but don’t be a walking self-help book who overuses exclamation points.
See the potential and power in every employee and every company.
Offer solutions tailored to specific audiences, but don’t be pushy. You’re a friend with something of interest, not a used-car salesperson.
Aim for knowing smile, not snide finger-pointing. We’re clever and fun, we’re not bullies. Use occasional pop culture references, clever, punchy headlines, creative metaphors, and friendly winks at corporate life.
Get to your point quickly, but don’t throw introduction and transition out the door—that’s just abrasive.

Color Bursts
Color bursts are a way to add personality and energy to photography. Whether you use solid color textured shapes or brush strokes, they provide a way for our brand to stand out.
The Bridge collage-style is a way to show playfulness, whimsy, and illustrate employee development in a fun and unique way. Some attributes of this Bridge style are:
- Isolated (cut-out) individuals with a color drop shadow (aka their Bridge superpower).
- Supporting elements should be black and white, while people and the Bridge product are in full color
- Using a texture behind the individuals
- Combining different elements and scale
- Adding small symbols of energy (such as lightning bolts or excite lines)
When it comes to photography, people matter most. Whenever possible, show real users whose lives have been positively affected by Bridge and make the individual the focus. The photography we use should evoke optimism and highlight humanity through thoughtful lighting and careful composition—even when we have to use stock images. Our photography should also represent the diverse backgrounds, abilities, ethnicities, ages, etc. of the millions of current and future Bridge users.
Bridge is technology, so we show the tech side of our brand when it’s fitting, while always keeping the human aspect in mind. When taking photographs that don’t include human subjects, look for composition and perspective opportunities that are unconventional and compelling.
Don’t use people isolated on white backgrounds. Keep them in their work environment unless used in a collage.
Don’t use images where the subject is looking right at the camera with some cheesy business grin or dramatically serious expression. Photographs should feel candid, not posed.
Don’t use composited imagery often found on stock image websites.
Don’t use cliché images (a bunch of smiling people pointing at a laptop screen, handshaking, high-fiving, a tattooed guy with conveniently rolled-up shirt sleeves showing a graph to a bunch of stiff, suit-wearing execs).
Don’t use images featuring out-of-date technology.
Don’t use images that are visual puns or otherwise silly. We have fun, but let’s keep it in check.
Zoom Backgrounds
Bridge Zoom backgrounds are a great way to show Bridge Pride and also hide your messy living situation. Win-win. Click the above link to see your options!

Printing Guidelines
Bridge collateral should be printed either on matte or satin paper finish on 110lb paper.

For Bridge case studies, use 100lb Sterling Dull book paper. You may be tempted to use some glossy paper because somehow, somewhere, somebody perpetuated the idea that that’s classy or something. DON’T DO IT. Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid.

Good Marketing Writing: A Quick Guide
Be Active
Avoid using the passive voice whenever possible/prudent.
- Bad: Employee development is made easier and more effective with Bridge.
- Better: Bridge makes employee development easier and more effective.
Be Concise
Shorten and tighten up rambling sentences. (Using the active voice is often a good start.) Specifically, beware of run-on sentences. Can your one-sentence paragraph be broken up into two or more shorter, clearer sentences?
- Bad: Ignatius Linebottom, who is now the director of corporate learning for Megatrode Manufacturing, was working in the role of a training coordinator at the time when administrators asked him to find an employee development platform because, among other reasons, managers and employees were having infrequent 1:1s that were not having positive effects on the company.
- Better: Ignatius Linebottom, director of corporate learning at Megatrode Manufacturing, was a training coordinator when administrators asked him to find an employee development platform.
Be Confident
Watch out for ambiguity, vagueness, or contradiction. Avoid wishy-washy, noncommittal phrases when making claims about Bridge.
Be Credible
On the other side of the “claims about Bridge” coin: Be careful with superlatives and over-the-top self-praise. Back up claims with data, testimonials, or conceivable hypothetical scenarios when possible. Honesty and openness earn trust.
Stay Focused
In other words, stay on message. If your case study purports to be about employee retention, then tell a focused story about improving employee retention. It may be tempting to tangentially gush about all things Bridge, but you risk losing readers who have a particular interest in your stated topic. Unless it’s a general overview or a truly introductory piece, it doesn’t require the kitchen sink.
Style Rules: A Quick Guide
Serial Comma/Oxford Comma
If you’re writing for the U.S. use it. Please, thank you, and goodnight. For other regions, don’t use it.
Use only in titles, headlines, subheadlines, and section headers.
Title Caps
Use in all titles, headlines, subheadlines, and section headers. Don’t use title caps in bulleted lists. Capitalize everything but articles, conjunctions, and prepositions of three or fewer letters. (Note that design may change some titles and headlines to ALL CAPS.)
Bulleted Lists
You may use complete sentences or sentence fragments in a bulleted list, but don’t use both in the same list. If you use complete sentences, punctuate them. If you use sentence fragments, make sure they have parallel structures, e.g. if some of them lead with action verbs, they should all lead with action verbs.
Em Dashes
Use them to separate a thought from the rest of the sentence. No spaces—that’s right, zero spaces—on either side of the em dash.
En Dashes
Use them to express a range. For example, “70–80%” expresses a range of percentages. “October 5–10” expresses a range of time.
a.m., p.m.
Lowercase, with periods (unless design is ALL CAPS).
In body copy, spell out the referent on the first mention. To pluralize an acronym, just add a lowercase s to the end—no apostrophes. CEOs, APIs, 1:1s.
Bridge has four core values:
R – Be Resourceful
O – Take Ownership
C – Drive Change
K – Be Kind

Bridge Proprietary Terminology
Bridge Employee Development Platform
Bridge helps organizations develop and engage their employees by providing access to career growth opportunities, meaningful connections, and alignment to the company’s mission. Bridge ties employee experience to HR objectives to help teams work and grow together as a united front.
Note: We use “Bridge” or “Bridge Employee Development Platform” to refer to the full platform, which includes the following solutions:
Bridge Learn
Corporate learning goes beyond compliance training. People learn from their peers, by doing things, from content, and through formal learning programs. Bridge Learn supports all of that. Bridge Learn is a next-generation learning solution used to design and deliver scalable, effective and engaging purpose-driven learning programs.
Bridge Perform
Bridge Career
What would happen to your business if everyone had a long-term career vision and felt the work they were doing was connected to that vision? Bridge Career is an employee-centric career development tool that helps individuals align their role with their long-term career vision. The tools support skill development, increased fulfillment, and the clarity needed for personal and professional growth.
Bridge Practice
There’s truth in the adage that practice makes perfect. Practice is a video microlearning assessment tool that organizations use to develop people and build skills. Employees can record themselves demonstrating critical skills in a way that helps drive confidence and competence in key business skills through peer feedback and assessment. It engages learners in a continuous cycle of practice, feedback, and coaching to create an environment where employees and managers grow.
Bridge Engage
Engagement starts with conversations and listening. If you want to listen to the pulse of your business at scale, you need tools that help capture insights and sentiment. Bridge Engage is a pulse survey tool that gives employees a voice in building company culture. Engage guides leaders at all levels of the business to have the right conversations and take the right actions to improve culture and drive engagement.