Customer Story

A New Approach to Learning Compliance in Higher Education

The university set out to update its compliance certifications and create a new way to learn by implementing a customizable, cloud-based learning management system with robust features for course development, knowledge tracking, and scalable eLearning.


Clemson University was established to fulfill their founder’s vision of “a high seminary of learning” to develop “the material resources of the State” for the people of South Carolina.

The Objective

Clemson University’s Performance and Learning team is driven to create a culture of learning parity by delivering the same exceptional learning experience for faculty and staff that the institution provides for students. That’s why, when they needed a new way to capture and update compliance certifications, they sought an innovative approach.

With a decentralized learning ecosystem, the University’s training coordinators manage learning initiatives on a department level. In the past, when departments needed learning or skills development, they commissioned consultants and experts to provide training. Then, a manual email process would follow for tracking and reporting attendance.

After an institution-wide audit, the Performance and Learning team saw a need for a more formalized learning solution. They envisioned a portal where employees could enroll in courses mandated by policy or simply to develop new competencies. This was in line with Clemson’s overarching commitment to individual and organizational development, and to putting blended and dynamic learning on the institution’s roadmap.

Bridge has revolutionized how users complete and keep track of important training information.
-Lara Thrift, Training System Administrator
Bridge changed the game for us. It brought visibility at a granular level for compliance-driven reporting metrics, but it also empowered us to plan for much more.
-Ashley Strickland, Training Manager, Human Resources

The Approach

Although their search for Bridge initially began as a way to improve Clemson’s compliance with federal, state, and university-mandated regulations (e.g., Title IX, fire safety, information security, equitable treatment, and drug and alcohol policies), they quickly realized that Bridge could offer a dynamic learning solution across the entire organization.


With Bridge, individual departments at Clemson can maintain ownership of courses they create and publish, but the content is centralized in one platform, giving the University actionable insights into learner habits and engagement.


With action-driven, real-time reporting enabled by Bridge, Clemson’s Performance and Learning team can now drive more strategic planning at the university level.

In addition to allowing us to control the compliance-driven content to ensure we meet certain thresholds, Bridge opened opportunities for each team to create a set of content that helped them automate and streamline their processes. And it increased our appetite for blended learning because anyone could create content.
-Ashley Strickland, Training Manager, Human Resources

How Clemson University Measures Success

Bridge’s Customer Success team adopted the university’s metrics, goals, and objectives as their own. Initial results included:

  1. End-to-End Implementation
    Six weeks implementation from the first Bridge orientation call to organization-wide rollout
  2. Adoption by more than 76%
    of faculty, staff, and student workers, which includes more than 8,000 users
  3. Tracking more than 80%
    of compliance certifications
  4. Nearly 70% training compliance
    completed within four months of go-live

Action-driven reporting:

With Bridge, Strickland and her team can track and report on certifications and course completions at a granular level. What was previously a manual, assumption-based process is now backed by data. So, Clemson can identify employee learning gaps, track completion of courses and certifications, and see where opportunities exist for improvement.

Creating a new way to learn:

Using Bridge gave Clemson an easy way to create and deliver blended and online learning through a mix of formats, mediums, and content—including videos, text, images, and quizzes for comprehension or retention. Additionally, because content authors now have engagement metrics for their courses, their delivery is more concise and direct. Where possible, they’re using micro-content (five-minute or less) courses, which is universally more effective for staff training.

Bridge not only furthers our commitment to compliance, it also provides data we haven't had before for tracking and reporting. And it provides other benefits that are priceless—both tangible and intangible.
-Ashley Strickland, Training Manager, Human Resources


Higher Education




South Carolina

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