Customer Story

Merging Two L&D Departments Into One Cost-Effective System for Internal and External Users

A merger left Cint with two learning management systems to choose from. Find out why Cint decided to resolve this dilemma by doubling down on its relationship with Bridge.


Cint is a global provider of research technology enabling brands, researchers, advertisers, and academics to field surveys. In order to deliver deep and meaningful digital insights, Cint draws from a nine-figure pool of survey respondents located across over 130 countries.

The Challenge

Streamlining Content Creation and Administration Within a Budget

When Cint acquired Lucid Holdings in 2022, the organization encountered a critical L&D crossroads. While Cint was already an established Bridge customer, the newly absorbed Lucid came equipped with its own LMS. Faced with this need to consolidate its learning infrastructure, Cint was called upon to proactively evaluate its LMS options and choose the platform best suited to tackling the challenges it identified.

Davey Dupuy, Cint’s primary Bridge administrator and former Global Director of Employee Experience at Lucid, has experience with both LMSs—and to him those challenges were clear. Lucid Holding’s legacy platform was too unwieldy to administer, and content creation on that platform was a cumbersome four-or-five step process. On top of these issues, the expense of the legacy LMS was simply too high in comparison. As a result, Cint was looking to free up budgetary resources in order to maintain other L&D resources.

In comparison, the LMS being used prior to the acquisition was a beast to administrate—whereas Bridge is a lot easier to use from an authoring and admin perspective.
-Davey Dupuy, L&D and Employee Experience Leadership at Cint

The Solution

Two-Step Content Authoring Supplemented by Smart Group Functionality

Looking to resolve the challenges associated with Lucid Holding’s legacy system, Cint didn’t need to look far—in fact, it didn’t need to look further than its existing relationship with Bridge.

Bridge’s usability quickly stood out in contrast to the legacy system Cint inherited. This was particularly felt in the context of content authoring. Unlike the multiple stages of course creation enforced by the pre-merger platform Cint acquired, Cint found that Bridge condenses the process into two simple steps: create a course and assign it to a learner group. 

Cint has found comparable improvements when it comes to the Bridge platform. Bridge’s smart groups, for example, are leveraged in order to group employees together based on hire date and assign essential training to new hires. Smart groups are also used to quickly provide relevant content for specific teams. Commercial and operations teams, for example, will be tagged by department, automatically added to a smart group for customer-facing teams (if relevant), and allowed easy access to content surrounding new product releases.

Crucially, these favorable comparisons with the system Cint acquired weren’t undermined by cost. In fact, Bridge was found to be the more cost-effective choice. As a result, Cint was able to free up budgetary resources for other L&D projects and resources. 

In light of the clear advantages it offered, Cint chose to deepen its commitment to Bridge by migrating the L&D infrastructure it acquired across to Bridge’s LMS, which is now its sole source of training.

Whenever there’s a need to give authoring access to different functions, it’s easy for managers to build specific supplemental training. Between Bridge’s support resources and the straightforwardness of the platform, you don’t have to be a content designer to create useful training initiatives.
-Davey Dupuy, L&D and Employee Experience Leadership at Cint

The Results

A Simple and Unified System That Works for Internal and External Learners

Since Bridge took its place at the center of Cint’s newly amalgamated learning ecosystem, Davey Dupuy has seen a drop in queries about how to operate the LMS—in contrast to his experiences with Lucid’s system. Learners are able to find their required learning with the help of a hassle-free UI.

This philosophy extends to content authoring, too. While around 80% of Cint’s training content is still created by its primary learning functions, the company has found it easy to provide authoring access to other teams and managers. As a result, employees with no background in content design are able to produce simple but effective learning materials drawn from existing slide decks.

Cint’s decision to strengthen its relationship with Bridge was further justified when it came time to address enhanced data measures. Bridge was able to help on the implementation side of the process, ensuring Cint’s L&D data is fully compliant with European regulations.

Following Cint’s decision to embrace Bridge as its sole LMS, Cint has started to expand the scope of its learning function. While Cint’s training was previously limited to internal use cases, it’s now offering training and product certification courses to customers—a policy made more appealing by the overlaps in Cint’s internal and external learning materials.

When it came to adding courses for our customers, implementation was very easy. Pulling resources from one location to another can be achieved with the click of a button.
-Davey Dupuy, L&D and Employee Experience Leadership at Cint


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