
The weekly source of inspiration and information for busy HR, L&D, and People Development professionals

Learning Analytics - 4 Essential Metrics and Strategies- Blog Post Feature Image
Learning Analytics: 4 Essential Metrics and Strategies for L&D Success
Find out how to leverage learning analytics and which KPIs can help you speak to the benefits and ROI...
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The Power of People Analytics - Blog Post Feature Image
The Power of People Analytics: How to Turn People Data Into Business Results
Investing in the existing workforce and developing their skills is a top strategic priority for leaders...
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How to Justify Bridge With Analytics - Blog Post Feature Image
The Power of Learning Analytics to Drive Decisions and Growth
Making a case for learning and development requires transparent and accessible metrics that show the...
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Productivity Trackers
The Trouble With Tracking: Why Employee Accountability Processes Shouldn’t Be Invasive
Employee tracking software may look like a good way to measure productivity, but it doesn’t tell the...
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A study of images shows that memory is impacted by image size and learners remember large cisuals 1.5x better than smaller images.
10 Facts & Stats About Learning Retention You’ll Want to Remember
Get 10 facts & stats about learning retention to help you deliver effective & memorable workplace training...
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Netflix of Learning
“The Netflix of Learning”: An Appealing But Flawed Analogy for the LXP
Although being the “Netflix of learning” is an appealing concept, we examine why there are better models...
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Analytics by Bridge; Turning Insights Into Action
Bridge releases the next iteration of the employee learning and performance experience with enhancements...
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Analytics by Bridge; Turning Insights Into Action
Bridge releases the next iteration of the employee learning and performance experience with enhancements...
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Ask a Trainer: How Can I Protect My Organization’s Employee Experience Budget?
In this week’s Ask a Trainer guest post, Peter Brussard offers advice for how HR and L&D teams can connect...
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Data Uses in the Workplace: 3 Mistakes We Make with Data
It’s the role of leadership to keep morale and productivity up. But how do you do that with a disparate...
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